Medical  Services not covered by the German  statutory health insurance

In Germany, services known as "IGeL" (individual medical services ) can be provided to non-private patients by statutory health insurance-accredited doctors and private doctors only in the form of a private treatment on a self-payment basis. A written treatment contract is made out with patients covered by the statutory health insurance prior to those treatment services.



We treat the entire spectrum of orthopaedics, from paediatric orthopaedics to geriatrics, from people with strongly limited mobility to competitive athletes.




Underwater pressure stream massage

The combined effect of the life-giving elements of water and heat of this massage provides a beneficial relaxation. For tenseness, metabolic disorders, tissue induration,

vegetative disorders, congestions in the venous and lymphatic system. For more information, click here. (Model used in our practice is similar)

Hyaluron therapy

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of the synovia (joint fluid) and acts as a comforting lubricant during all joint movements. We use a product calledSuplasyn® for treatment.

For more information, click here. (Model used in our practice is similar)




The blood and lymphatic system is strongly stimulated by cold. This effect can be used to achieve an accelerated healing effect in the case of injuries and inflammation. Used in acute injury, after surgery, for sports injuries and complaints such as  swelling, inflammation and haematomas, as well as muscular induration and tenseness.

Laser therapy

Laser is a treatment with high-energy light, that can bring large amounts of light into the tissue. Back pain, tennis and golf elbow, ischialgia, tenseness, osteoarthritis of the knee, ankle pain, tenosynovitis, pulled and torn muscles, hip Joint complaints.




Shock-wave therapy

Shock-wave therapy is used to treat the following conditions: Pseudarthrosis, poorly healing bone fractures, painful calcification in the shoulder, painful calcaneal spur, painful triceps tendon insertion, calcification in the elbow, tennis or golf elbow, Achilles tendon Irritation.